Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday

I haven't tracked much the past two days. I payed attention to what I was eating, but that was about it. Here are the eats for the past two days. I've had pretty bad headaches and had to work a lot so that's why I'm late posting. Back on track today.

Let's assess the damage:
Tuesday Eats:
Breakfast: Quaker Oats Chocolate Chip Chewy Bar 2pts.
100 calories, 2.5pts+
 Lunch: Romaine, Red pepper humus, olive, tomato, onion salad (to die for) 2pts, sweet potato with light butter 4pts, hard boiled egg 2pts.
Potato: 5pts+, Egg: 2.5pts+, Salad: 3pts+
Another shot of the delish salad..I need more humus.
 I had some tortilla chips as a snack 3pts.
Tortilla chips: 140 calories, 4pts+
 Matt and I worked at his lab for a bit after I got off work and we treated ourselves to Sushi Love for dinner. We split Edamame 2pts and I had a California Roll and most of a Veggie Roll 7pts.
I love this stuff...let's be honest though, if you put salt on cardboard, I could be convinced to eat it.
All of our sushi. I had the veggie and california at the bottom, and Matt had a spicy scalop and a shrimp specialty roll on top.
Dinner was followed by beverages with friends at Mellow. I had 12pts. (est 22pts+, 1,000 calories)
Love me some Nobel Pils
Tuesday Stats: Not too bad, not too good.
Water: Not enough! oz. / 80 oz.
Calories: ??
Points:  34 / 22
Weekly Points: 12 used today / 19 remaining
Exercise: none
Activity Points: 0 today / 4 week
Weekly Weight Loss: -1.8 lbs / 40.6 lbs total

Wednessday Eats:
For breakfast, I had 1/2 a grapefruit with splenda 1pt...which of course is not enough when you eat breakfast at 7:15 and don't have lunch planned until noon, so at 10:30, Matt and I had brunch together. We got Bodos bagels. I had a sausage egg cheese bagel 10pts.
I found the missing grapefruit!
Oh, Bodos, I have missed you
 And look what came in the mail last night! My vitamins! I have heard great things about these so I'll keep you posted as I take them and see if I notice a difference. If you want to buy any, my rep is great! She's my aunt ;)

I snacked on another chewy bar 2pts while typing. Booo

Small sweet potato around 3, 4pts.

Dinner was a grilled chicken wrap and baked home made fries 8pts.

Wednesday Stats:not as bad as I thought 
Water: Not enough! oz. / 80 oz.
Calories: ??
Points:  25 / 22
Weekly Points: 3 used today / 19 remaining
Exercise: none
Activity Points: 0 today / 4 week
Weekly Weight Loss: -1.8 lbs / 40.6 lbs total

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