Friday, August 24, 2012

8/24 - Where have you been?

SICK! Really sick! Miss work and lay in bed wishing the world would not exist sick! Ginger ale and saltine sick. Blegh. 

Buuuut, before that week and a half....Matt and I were getting a roommate! Megan, one of our friends, had a lease end and isn't moving to nova until Nov-Dec so she moved into our guest room!
Jimmy John's Turkey Tom
That took a lot of shuffling stuff, putting things into storage, and getting into a new routine, but all is well at the Bauer House!
Coffee at Beer Run during Saturday breakfast tacos!
I got back into a pretty good cooking/eating at home routine. Since I work with Megan and we often ride together, I have been carpooling back home to make lunch and snacks.
Chicken Taco Soup
I've been trying to fit in more veggies day to day. Before I was sick, I was also getting out and exercising at least every other day!

Eating breakfast daily!

Celebrating my mom's birthday and award of "Lasallian Educator of the Year!" My mom is AH-Mazing.

Buying blackout curtains for my room and hanging the map we got in Iceland.

New pets for work! African water frogs.

Cooking TONS of this! Its 8 pt+ according to the website.

ALL THAT TO SAY....Even though I haven't been here, I have been maintaining healthy habits and making progress toward my goals. This blog has always been a tool in that process, but the blog itself morphed into a goal...posting every day. Wanting so badly to be a contributor to the healthy living community on a regular basis - to be a role model for those in my life seeking healthier paths. A lot of times lately, I've felt like I'm failing because I'm not consistently posting or not consistently taking pictures...but when I look at how much my life has changed over the past two years, I can 100% say that I am a happier healthier person who is able to maintain this lifestyle. 

Introspection. Good stuff.


  1. AmaZing! You are an inspiration Casey and I have to say LOVE the decore in you bedroom :D Miss you guys a lot and hope to visit soon Xx Inga


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