Wednesday, April 25, 2012

4/24 Tuesday

Work went really well overall on Tuesday. I had a few meetings with parents and felt like they went well overall. For breakfast, I had strawberries and kiwis again for 0pts.

For lunch, I went to Cobb's pizza with Liz and Teresa from work and had a grilled chicken salad with ranch dressing for 6pts.

For dinner, I had more amazing falafel chips with red pepper humus for 4pts and a cup and a half of butternut possole soup for 3pts. I didn't love the soup, but I ate it anyway since there were so many good veggies in it for me.

After dinner, I went to Commonwealth Skybar to meet up for a friend's birthday. I had two beers for 10pts and a tiny bit of tiarmissu for 3pts

Pts Total: 26/26
Exercise: none

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