Thursday, June 24, 2010

These Cookies Are the Devil!!

Today was pretty chill. I had my traditional english muffin and laughing cow cheese for breakfast for 2pts.

It seemed like everything I tried to do at work went wrong- printer jam, fax down, copier jam, computer crash, ahhh! It was driving me insane! I had a smart ones entree for 4pts for lunch.

We had a crazy wind storm today that knocked down a couple of trees and took out our power for a while. I napped until the power came back on. When I woke up, I ate 2 1/2 cookies. These things are going to be the death of me! 7pts!!! Ahhh!

For dinner, we ate the chili I made Monday night and hot dogs. I had 2/3 cup of chili and a few tortilla chips 3pts and a hot dog 7pts.

Points: 23/23
Weekly Allowance Points: 7 left/35 weekly
Activity Points Earned: 0 today / 0 week
Exercise: none
Weekly Weight Loss: -.2 lbs / -29 lbs total

Hope to see less of each other next time!


  1. what kind of cookies are these? They look very tasty

  2. They're chocolate chip...and super delicious.

  3. We have missed you posts! However, Congrats on getting back on the "wagon". Wednesday's happen.


Love to hear from you guys!