Thursday, June 24, 2010

Matt's home!

Tuesday went by pretty quickly since Matt got back that day! It was so nice to have him back, although I'm glad that he got to go home and visit his family for a while. I was somewhat the opposite of healthy that day. I had a cookie and milk for breakfast 4pts.

For lunch, I was at work and had ravioli 5pts.

I had two more cookies for a snack after work for 6pts. I waited and had a pretty late dinner with Matt from Wendy's because we stopped on the way home from the airport. It was 15pts for a chicken sandwich and fries.

Matt and I spent the rest of the night just catching up and playing with Bear. It was so nice.

Points: 30/23
Weekly Allowance Points: 27 left/35 weekly
Activity Points Earned: 0 today / 0 week
Exercise: none
Weekly Weight Loss: -.2 lbs / -29 lbs total

Hope to see less of each other next time!

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