Monday, October 4, 2010

Ready for the Doctor. Weekend Recap. W36.

Hello all. I had a good an bad weekend. Good because I spent it among friends, and bad, because I have been developing a killer ear infection! :( I'm going to try and recap it here, but I don't have pictures for everything.


Work as usual. Back to my pumpkin toast for breakfast! 2pts.

Lunch was the highlight of my food that day. I made a delicious ham & turkey wrap on a ff tortilla with 1 slice of 2% colby jack, romaine, grape tomatoes, and chipoltle mustard for 4pts with a side of grapes 1pt (I couldn't finish them all, they were too sweet), and more acorn squash! So good.

I was glad to be off work when the day was over. Matt and I met chris for happy hour at 3 to celebrate the start of october with 3 Oktoberfest tap 6pts selections and these stellar glasses we got to keep. 
Matt and his mug
<3 Beer
For dinner that night, we had some friends over and had pizza. I had 2 1/2 slices for 13pts (no picture) and a little more wine 2pts.


Points: 28/23
Weekly Allowance Points: 30/35 remaining
Exercise: none
Weekly Activity Points: 4/4
Weekly Weight Loss: +.2 lbs / -32.0 total


Saturday, I woke up not feeling so hot. The glass of wine at home was not a stellar idea on my part. I also felt the start of an ear infection coming on. I wanted to roll over and go to sleep, but I had to get up and go in to work for a bit. Blah. 

After 2 hrs at work, I came home and floundered in my misery for a while trying to fall back asleep. Matt made me guzzle some gatorade 2pts and I had 1/2 cup of shells and cheese to get something in my stomach 3pts.

After a short nap, I realized that this was not illness from a little too much wine and that something was actually up. My ear was swelling a little and my head was pounding. Unfortunately, Saturday was our advisor's office party and we more or less had to make an appearance. I put on my big girl pants and went over to meet and greet. It was a TON of fun. I didn't feel great, but I had been missing seeing everyone so much! I don't know how many points I consumed, but it was not pretty. There weren't many healthy options. I do know I had 2 lemon bars for dessert- probable 6pts, some wine 6pts, chips and dip 5pts, chicken mung bean onion something 3pts, and a rice dish 3ptsI was ready to go home when we finally called it quits. 

I had the worst night's sleep on the planet. I didn't get any rest until well after 5am. booo.

Points: 28/23
Weekly Allowance Points: 25/35 remaining
Exercise: none
Weekly Activity Points: 4/4
Weekly Weight Loss: +.2 lbs / -32.0 total


Sunday, my ear problem was awful. Matt and I had made plans a while ago to go to the Carrytown Wine and Food Festival with some friends. I didn't want to back out, but in hindsight, probably should have. We went over to have bloody mary's for breakfast at Jamie and Chris's house. I ended up only having a few sips of mine, but it still looked pretty. Matt drank it for me. 

Such fresh drinks. I was sad I didn't feel well enough!

Courtney chilaxin in the fall weather with her bloody.

My undrank drink.
The fall weather was nice. I enjoyed seeing everyone and not working on my thesis (although I should have been)! We piled in Chris's truck for the drive to Richmond. We picked up lunch on the way. I had a hardee's chicken tender kid's meal (no picture). It was a fun time. Thanks for driving Chris!



The hubbs

One of the wine tents

A man with a baby monkey serving wine. I was distracted by this for a good 20 minutes.

Matt and me (being sickly). I didn't take full advantage of the unlimited free wine because I wasn't feeling so hot, but I enjoyed the outdoors and meeting some new people. 

Duck rizoto balls. omg- heaven. Jamie let us try some of these before they met their sticky end on the pavement! We also tried some seafood sate.

After the wine festival, we left Carrytown and went to a place I had heard a lot about and have wanted to try for a while- Sticky Rice! They are known for serving sushi pared with buckets of tater tots! I LOVED it!

Rebecca being a goober with her chopsticks...ahem (we all were).

Jamie enjoying the beer.

My edamame. I had to find a substitute for the bucket-o-tots everyone had!

Our table's bucket-o-tots...and chop-sticks! I was good, I only had one.

Matt and my sushi. I always forget my love of sushi until I get some. It was delicious! The crunchy shrimp roll and the one on the bottom right (crab something) were mine. We mixed and matched though. They were all great!

Can't get sushi without one of these. I was trying to be a camper and enjoy myself, but my strength and pain tollerance were waning. I had about 1/3 of the beer. I love Sapporo though.
I slept on Matt's shoulder most of the way home because my ear was really hurting by that point. My medicine had all worn off. :( I had a lot of fun and am glad I went, but not sure my body agrees with me.

When we got home, I didn't stay awake much longer and got to bed early.

No idea!!

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