Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Week 5: Day 2

Today was a crazy long day at work- read that not enjoyable in the least. AND I am looking forward to tomorrow even less than today. I have to do a radio show I am completely not ready for. Blah. Today, I had light toast for breakfast for 3pts with light butter and jam. I also had a glass of ff milk for 2pts+.

For lunch, I had a smart ones fettuccine alfredo with broccoli for 6pts+. I miss the days when these were only 4pts!!

After work, I had a little less than a serving of tortilla chips for 3pts+, and then dinner consisting of two servings of baked fries with honey mustard for 8pts.

After dinner, the fam went for a 2.4 mile walk for +3 activity points.

And for desert, I had a WW cheesecake raspberry ice cream bar for 3pts+.

Monday Stats:
Points Plus: 25/29
Activity: 3/3
Weight: 168.0 lbs (10/10/2011)

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