Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Plateaus: Monday W27

Monday I took Matt to work and had laughing cow cheese on an English Muffin for 2pts (of course).

After breakfast and dropping Matt, I cleaned the kitchen and got ready for work. Generally, I don't work Mondays, but we were hiring new trainers and I was working the hiring event. I made the Fettuccine with Greek Yogurt and Herbs for lunch 8pts and delicious! I love fettuccine!

The hiring event went well. We got a good haul of people to choose from. I think it's going to be a little competitive. I was starving by the time we finished so I stole a few more bites of fettuccine for 3pts before I got ready for my WW meeting. I am down 1.4 lbs! Yay, back to 170.0.
Weight progress so far- still working on it.

At the meeting, we talked about PLATEAUS. Something no one trying to loose weight wants to think about, but also something we all have dealt with at one time or another. I was surprised to find that there is actually a clinical definition of a "weight loss plateau." It is if you have averaged less than a .5 lb loss per week over the course of 4 weeks

Hooray! At least I haven't been wasting my frustration on nothing- I'm in the middle of a plateau and have been for 2 weeks now- granted a 2 lb gain in one week can do a lot to set you back. I definitely feel like its 2 steps forward one step backwards right now. Hopefully this 1.4 lb drop can set me back on track again.

Mentally, plateaus are one of the biggest hurdles to overcome as a dieter. If you feel like you're depriving yourself of food and you don't see it on the scale, you can think its fruitless work and rebound and actually go backwards in your efforts. The important thing to keep in mind- and what I tell myself- is that its just another day and another weight. Its not permanent and it will pass. By golly- its going to pass. You have to remember what you're doing this for. Yes, I would have liked to have lost 2 lbs per week for the 5 weeks leading up to weddings and dress fittings, but that isn't the ultimate goal. My goal is a healthy lifestyle that's manageable for me. Keep your ultimate goals in your mind when you are attacking plateaus.

After the meeting, I picked Matt up from work and we picked up one of our favorite pizzas from The Brick Oven- The Hot Tomato- a delightful pile of jalepenos, spicy tomato sauce, sliced tomatos, bacon, and spicy pepperoni on the Brick Oven home made bread. So good! I had 2 slices of a medium for 9pts. 
(They're on a small plate so they look really big)

I had a few pretzels 2pts before falling asleep on the couch for 3 hours!! I don't know why I was so tired!!

Points: 24/24
Weekly Allowance Points: 35 left /35 weekly
Exercise: none
Weekly Weight Loss: +2 lbs / -27 lbs total

Hope to see less of each other next time!

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