Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday. shhhh

Cliff Bar: 2pts, 3.5pts+, 120 calories

Spinach Salad (recipe): 4pts, 5pts+, 240 calories
Reduced Fat Cream of Tomato Soup: 2pts, 2.5pts+, 110 calories

Tortilla Chips (handful x2): 2pts, 4pts+, 140 calories
Burger and Fries at Boylan: The burger was TERRIBLE! I was really hungry though so I ate it without most of the bun  9pts* 350 calories*, fries 7pts* 350 calories*. (*These are estimates.) After, I had alotto beer/drinks: 15 points 700 calories.
Wednesday Stats:
Water: 72 oz. / 80 oz.
Calories: 1,961
Points: 41 / 23
Weekly Points: 18 used today / 11 remaining
Exercise: none (waiting on x-ray results)
Activity Points: 0 today / 0 week
Weekly Weight Loss: +.8 lbs / 38 lbs total

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