Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Accountability and Motivation

BIG THANK YOUS ARE IN ORDER! I don't know what it is, but within the last two weeks, many of you have contacted me asking if I was going to start the blog again. First thought: Ummmmm - I've been here where have you been?? Second thought: Maybe I've "been here" in the four square sense. Checking in long enough for people to see I'm cool. Third thought:

OK - so caught with my hand in the cookie jar literally and figuratively. I've been kind of here and healthy, and kind of there and unhealthy- which on average is just there. I'll work on being more consistent with eating and tracking.

Yesterday, I got up early and went to the gym. I did 30 minutes on the cross trainer for 5 activity pt+.

I had an omlette really messy egg stuff dish for breakfast with spinach, tomato, onion, mushroom, and goat cheese  8pts+.

I'm trying to clean out my fridge and I have 4 frozen "health" meals left from uhhhh a year ago? I have moved away from eating heavily processed food in general (not that I won't hit up Wendy's once in a Blue Moon), but overall Matt and I are trying to move away from processed and into real foods. That said, I'm currently poor so anything I own currently needs to be eaten. Some one stole Matt's moped this weekend so we are down to one means of transport until we save up to replace it. Booo. I had a Smart Ones for 6pt+.
For dinner, I had sesame chicken and quinoa for 9pts+. Delicious, even as leftovers 9pts+.

I also had a martini with Matt at Bang! as we caught up on our weeks together and had husband wife time. :) Perfect. 6pts+.

Before bed, I had a few Saltine crackers with all my vitamins 2pts+.

TOTAL: 32/26

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