Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Marathon Tuesday

Work Tuesday lasted from 9:30am to 9pm with only 30 minutes of down time for a quick lunch. Sooooo beat. I haven't been grocery shopping so hopefully I'll get around to that Wednesday! I had two egg whites and one egg for breakfast for 3pt+.

Megan took me to lunch at The Carving Board Cafe and we both got roasted cauliflower soup. It was ok at best. To cheesy, too thick. I had 1/2 cup for 1pt+ with four saltine crackers for 1pt+. No photo, I forgot my phone.

The afternoon at work was cray cray. I was going from 3-9 without a break. I shoved some falafel chips down my mouth for 3pt+ and a few tortilla chips for 2pt+ at our monthly trainer meeting. At 9:30, I went for a walk with the hubs +1 activity pt, and promptly passed out.

TOTAL: 10/26
Weekly Points: 0 remaining

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