Tuesday, October 16, 2012


We had a pretty busy Monday at the center this week. I started off the morning with some Emergen-C. PS- I now swear by this stuff. If you want to stay well during cold season, guzzle up.

Some mid morning veggies with a little ranch for 1pt+.

Lunch was Santa Fe Style Rice and Beans from Smart Ones for 8pt+. I'm still trying to clean out all of the frozen and processed food lurking in the back of the freezer.

Dargan had me try half of his roasted baby sweet potato for 1pt+. So good. Sometimes I wish Beth was my wife. She's a fabulous cook and her kids are sooooo well behaved!

After work, I went to our monthly YoungLives club meeting. YoungLives is a part of YoungLife, but it focuses on helping teen moms. I started hanging out with the group in March and have really enjoyed getting to know the girls and their babies so far. Their focus is showing teen moms that Jesus prizes them and their lives. I'm still pretty new to the group, but love being able to support the group and mentors. 

At club, we always have a meal, a talk, and an activity. Last night, dinner was BBQ (1/2 bun), salad, green beans, and grapes for 8pts+. It was soooooo good. I had a brownie for dessert (unnecessary) for 7pt+. Our activity was painting pumpkins and square dancing. I think the girls really enjoyed it and I got in some activity points while we were at it! +2 activity pts! 

I went by heaven Whole Foods on the way home and picked up some necessities. Got some Kombucha 1pt+.

I also got all the fixins to prep meals for the week. More on that soon. I finished the night with 1/3 of a gin and tonic 1pt+. I'm out of gin! Looks like tomorrow will entail a trip to the ABC store!

TOTAL: 26/26
ACTIVITY: 2 today / 2 week
Weekly Points Remaining: 11

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