Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 21: 1/31/2010

Last day of January and ending my 3rd week on weight watchers!!

I woke up at 7:45 and shoveled snow for an hr (+2 activity pts). Bear ran around with me outside for a while and enjoyed the snow. He's my little snow angel.

Then came in and spent some time warming up with Allee and Matt and had a few pretzels for 1pt. We finally decided it was time to brave the snow- anything for a Bodo's bagel. We went to Bodos and I had ham, egg, and American cheese on a whole wheat bagel. Delish as always. 14pts.

After lunch, we went grocery shopping and then came home. Allee left around that point- can't wait to see her again, and Matt and I started cleaning the house. Its now spik and span. 

I took a nap for a little bit which was so nice and then did some laundry and made the chicken tortilla soup recipe I got from Denise, Matt's mom. I grabbed a 100 calorie snack pack to tide me over to dinner since we had an early lunch for 2pts.


We had Miss Hammy, Jamie, and Chris over for dinner. I had 2 cups chicken tortilla soup 4pts, 1/2 a taco (1/2 ff tortilla .5pts, 1 Tbsp cheese .5pts, 2 Tbsp 90% lean beef with taco seasoning 2pts) for 3pts, 3 Tbsp. Jamie and Chris's home-made guacamole 1pt, and 18 Tortilla chips for 2pts. After dinner, I had a diet sunkist for 0pts to satisfy the sweets craving. 

Same chips in this pic as the one above.
I was really glad to see Jamie and Chris and had a great weekend with Alleebo. She keeps me on my toes. 3rd WW meeting tomorrow- wish me luck and weight-loss!!

Points: 27/26
Weekly Allowance Points: 5 remaining/35 weekly
Activity Points Earned: 1 today/9 week
Exercise:Shoveling snow and housework
Weekly Weight Loss: We'll see tomorrow!

Hope to see less of each other next time!

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