Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Still Sick Wed W34

I am still sick today, unfortunately. I repeated my symptomatic treatment with Robitussin and Dayquil for breakfast 0pts. Matt and I took Bear for a quick walk to start the day +1 activity point.
Breakfast of Champions
I stayed home all day but I actually got some work done today!! I have been having a ton of trouble getting started on my work (thesis and paper up for publication) and every time I start, I end up spinning my wheels and getting frustrated. Today, I finished most of the work I had left on the paper. It was a lot less painful than I was making it out to be. Isn't it always? After that, I went back to my drug induced stupor on the couch with my book, pillow, and cup of tea. 

I had some leftovers for lunch chicken veggie orzo pasta! Delish again! Thanks, Brallison (I'm going to roll with this nickname). I had a cup and a half for 8pts.

So despite my sickliness, I did make it in to a WW center to weigh in today. I missed Monday because I was on my death bed. So despite the debacherous few weeks I have had I surprisingly did not gain any weight! However, not so surprisingly, I did not lose weight either. I had a net 0.0 lb loss and remained at 167.8. I guess that's a good thing.

I discovered a sad thing today. One of my blog to lose friends deleted her blog. She wasn't losing weight and just quit. I was kind of sad because she started blogging about the same time that I did (January) and we had comparable weight loss goals. Anyway, there have been a few times this year that I've thought about quitting the blog, or quitting weight watchers, or something along those lines, but I knew in the long run I'd regret it. I didn't want to let myself down or let a week's gain become a mental block to achieving my goals. (I'm not saying I'm better than her or anything like that, I really hope she comes back.) When things get tough, generally that means they're worth it. Remember:
"Pain is temporary, but quitting lasts forever." - Lance Armstrong

When Matt came home, I had a snack of a nilla wafer with peanut butter 1pt. Just 1!

For dinner I had a pb&j on a toasted english muffin. 2pts for the peanut butter and jam and 1pt for the english muffin. I had a side of baked tortilla chips 2pts with some home made guacamole 2pts.

I am chillin on the couch reading with Matt and Bear right now and will be hitting the hay early hoping to shake the rest of this cold before work tomorrow!

Points: 16/23
Weekly Allowance Points: 35/35 remaining
Exercise: Short Walk with the pup
Weekly Activity Points: 1/1
Weekly Weight Loss: 0.0 lbs / -30.6 total

Hope to see less of each other next time!

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