Sunday, March 13, 2011

Y2 W8 D6: Locked in Lab

The hubs, pup, and I slept in Saturday morning which was the perfect way to conclude our celebrations from the paper acceptance we got yesterday. At some point, I couldn't ignore the thesis anymore nor could we ignore little Bear's grunts that he needed to potty. We had drippy egg sandwiches for breakfast with bacon for 5pts and 260 calories.
I've had these so much lately! They're so simple:
1 laughing cow cheese original swiss
2 pieces of light oat toast
1 drippy egg (fried egg, no grease)
1 thin slice bacon, optional  for 50 calories and 1pt

After breakfast, it was to lab for the whole family. Bear came with us since we knew it would be a long day and didn't want him to be lonely. I had a small slice of buffalo chicken pizza for lunch for 3pts and 140 calories.

I snacked on a granola bar Matt had in his desk drawer for 90 calories and 2pts. Gross? Maybe. Necessary? Yes. For those wondering, my masters is in Mechanical Engineering at the good old University of Virginia. My thesis is on integration of silica aerogels in Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) for thermal insulation. Its a lot more chemistry than this engineer bargained for, but it is coming to a close! If you find yourself wondering what the heck aerogels are, or why they're important, check out An MIT student runs the open source site and explains the technology, applications, and chemistry very well. On a side note for you researchers out there- I've been writing my thesis in LATEX (if you don't use LATEX for writing, you definitely should- it is amazing). Anyway, I've been writing in LATEX a lot and find myself trying to compile my blog in LATEX commands sometimes all of the time. 

Dinner was also at lab and super filling. I had a mixed veggie salad 0pts and 40 calories with light ranch and 1/4 tsp cheese on the side 1pt (30 calories) and a small sweet potato with light butter 3pts and 140 calories.

I also stole the crust from a slice of Matt's pizza. Bear wanted it too. 3pts 100 calories? There was a little more than pictured- I had already had a bite.

We got home pretty late, but I wasn't tired so I threw together our eats for the next day. I made baked red potatoes (based on this recipe from and Italian Style Chicken and Rice. I had a bite of the potatoes to see that they were cooked through, 1pt 27 calories estimated.
Italian Style Chicken and Rice
Baked Red Potatoes and Garlic Parmesan
I had a lot of trouble getting to sleep despite my steroid dosage being reduced. I hate taking medicine. I am still feeling "off," but hopefully will be back to normal soon! Tomorrow is back to the grindstone for me, unfortunately. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Saturday Stats: 
Water: 120 oz. / 80 oz.  wowza
Points:  18 / 22
Calories: 822
Weekly Points: 0 used today / -1 remaining
Exercise: none
Activity Points: 0 today / 0 week
Weekly Weight Loss: -4.2 lbs / 40.6 lbs total 

1 comment:

  1. Your salad looks delicious and I am loving your dinner!



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