Sunday, April 18, 2010

Breakfast Cookies!

I can't remember where I was eying them, but I'm sure it was some one in my blog roll. I saw them several places and finally decided to try them out. I made up my own version and they were sooo yummy.

BREAKFAST COOKIE: 3pts per cookie
Makes 2 cookies
1 Scoop Protien Powder (I used Chocolate)
2 Tbsp Ground Flax Seed
2 Packets of Instant Oatmeal (I used plain)
1 Small Banana (I used about 3/4)
1/8 Cup skim milk (I used 1/2 chocolate soy and 1/2 vanilla almond, but it would have been good all chocolate)

1. Mix the first 3 ingredients together.
2. Add the milk and stir (should be thick)
3. Chop up the banana and fold it in.
4. Scoop the mixture onto 2 plates and press with the back of your spoon to form a cookie shape.
5. Refrigerate overnight.
6. Enjoy in the morning!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE breakfast cookies!! I haven't had one in a while though...might have to whip one up this week!


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