Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 42: 2/21/2010

Woke up late again this morning. This time, I let my phone serenade Matt. I had a chocolate slim fast for breakfast for 4pts.
After breakfast, we watched an episode of Lost from season 5 before church. I had some (13) sun chips for a snack for 3pts.

I still wasn't satisfied so I had a diet sunkist 0pts too (all artificially orange food...that can't be good).

Later, I took a 30 minute nap while Matt vacuumed before starting my Vibes homework. I didn't end up eating lunch until 3ish since we had gotten such a late start today. I had an angel hair marinara smart ones w/ 1 Tbsp WW mozzerella for 5pts.

After lunch, I started back on Vibes homework. Today went by so slowly. I was exhausted all day! Matt went grocery shopping for me so that I could get more work done. When Matt got home with the groceries, I made some low points chili soup for the week. Matt and I watched Lost during dinner. I had a chili potato with WW cheese for 8pts and 1/2 cup velveeta shells and cheese 2pts with- my trademark- diet sunkist.

After dinner, we continued watching Lost and browsing homework.  

Points: 22/25
Weekly Allowance Points: 2 remaining/35 weekly
Activity Points Earned: 0 today/11 week
Exercise: 0
Weekly Weight Loss: -4.2 lbs / -12 lbs total

Hope to see less of each other next time!

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